
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Budhiya Singh

A 5 yr old child from Orissa went for a long run of more than a marathon and half before retiring a mile short of his goal. With his coach by his side on a bicycle, Budhia Singh started from his hometown at 4:00 AM and ran for 40 miles in just 7 hours. Soldiers, Ambulance and Doctors accompanied this kid. He had hoped to reach CRPF head quarters at 11 AM but fell short of his goal. The boy fell on the ground and was taken to the hospital near by where the doctors reported he was in stable condition.This child could be the answer for India's challenge in Athletics at the world level if he is trained properly and i hope the government supports Budhia.


Jaggy said...

Hey Barath...

Oops... the facts u have given here seems to be wrong... Just get those corrected...

chk [] for more dteails...

Unknown said...


i got these facts from google news..i m no way responsible