(Continuing from Autograph-2….)
May 5th 2008: I came to Chennai for 3 months and this was my longest stay in Chennai since I left on June 24th 2006. It was a special feeling and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The three months passed very quickly and in the mean time during my stay I got my 1st semester result. I scored more than what I expected and I was indeed happy.
August 8th 2008: Back to Singapore to continue my studies. The 3 month stay rejuvenated me and I started enjoying my stay in Singapore.
Aug 9th to Oct 13th: No special events happened in my life during this period, but I enjoyed my stay as we frequently went out during the weekends. However, Sep 15th is and will always be a special day in my life.
Oct 14th: I was given an offer to join an US MNC as logistics analyst for a 6 month contract. Initially I was bit hesitant in taking up the job as I had to sign the contract the very next day. However, since economy world over started to shrink, I thought of taking the gamble and signed the contract. The pay was great so as the job profile. I was really happy as I got a job in my field of study rather than going back to Software.
Nov 25th: Completed my masters with my second semester getting over on this day.
Nov 26th: I joined the company immediately after completing my masters. The date 26th I guess is what destined to me to join organizations. Even in my previous company, my joining date was 26th. Given the fact that economy has hit rock bottom during this period and I finding a job in desired field was indeed a great feeling.
From this date, life was calm with no big events, no festivals and no outings except during the Chinese new year when we made a trip to zoo, night safari and bird park.
Around April 2009, my search for job intensified with no success, but I was hopeful of getting one.
May 14th: The Company has extended my contract to another 6 months till November 2009 with all the benefits of a full time employee.
May 22nd: Off to Chennai for a special event in my life.
June 3rd: The special event has arrived. It was my brother’s engagement. He being the eldest in our family, this is the first marriage and it was a great family meeting as well as I met my cousins after a gap of around 6 years. In mean time, I enjoyed my stay in Chennai especially with my cousin’s kids and friends.
June 7th: Back to Singapore and resumed work.
May 5th 2008: I came to Chennai for 3 months and this was my longest stay in Chennai since I left on June 24th 2006. It was a special feeling and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The three months passed very quickly and in the mean time during my stay I got my 1st semester result. I scored more than what I expected and I was indeed happy.
August 8th 2008: Back to Singapore to continue my studies. The 3 month stay rejuvenated me and I started enjoying my stay in Singapore.
Aug 9th to Oct 13th: No special events happened in my life during this period, but I enjoyed my stay as we frequently went out during the weekends. However, Sep 15th is and will always be a special day in my life.
Oct 14th: I was given an offer to join an US MNC as logistics analyst for a 6 month contract. Initially I was bit hesitant in taking up the job as I had to sign the contract the very next day. However, since economy world over started to shrink, I thought of taking the gamble and signed the contract. The pay was great so as the job profile. I was really happy as I got a job in my field of study rather than going back to Software.
Nov 25th: Completed my masters with my second semester getting over on this day.
Nov 26th: I joined the company immediately after completing my masters. The date 26th I guess is what destined to me to join organizations. Even in my previous company, my joining date was 26th. Given the fact that economy has hit rock bottom during this period and I finding a job in desired field was indeed a great feeling.
From this date, life was calm with no big events, no festivals and no outings except during the Chinese new year when we made a trip to zoo, night safari and bird park.
Around April 2009, my search for job intensified with no success, but I was hopeful of getting one.
May 14th: The Company has extended my contract to another 6 months till November 2009 with all the benefits of a full time employee.
May 22nd: Off to Chennai for a special event in my life.
June 3rd: The special event has arrived. It was my brother’s engagement. He being the eldest in our family, this is the first marriage and it was a great family meeting as well as I met my cousins after a gap of around 6 years. In mean time, I enjoyed my stay in Chennai especially with my cousin’s kids and friends.
June 7th: Back to Singapore and resumed work.
June 25th: Finally, I got the book which I wanted for a long time, rather I attempted to get it after a long time.Thanks to my friend who got it from library. "India after Gandhi" by Ramachandra Guha. It is simply amazing to know the history of this great country after 1947.
(to be continued after marriage……)